Committee Log / 実行委員会報告
Getting Ready for 16WKC! Steering Committee Report No.14それ! 16WKCへ向けて実行委員会報告 14
The original title for this column was “Getting Ready for the 16WKC!” Then it was changed to “Almost Ready”, and this time, “Ready”, because there are less than three months to go until the big event.
Among the “Countdown Photos” marking the remaining 90 days, are some shots of a well-knowncelebrity in Japan, Watanabe Masayuki. Watanabe holds the rank of 4th Dan in kendo, and often appears in variety shows participating in shiai against other celebs. He has done quite a lot to promote kendo through his work, and although usually a bit of a joker, the expression on his face is completely different when he has a shinai in his hands. I would like to thank Watanabe-san, and cameraman Sugino-san for their kind cooperation. Be sure to check out the photos. We are hoping that more celebrities will come on board to help build excitement around the 16WKC.

At the three-months-to-go mark, all of our plans are starting to take shape. The electronic score board system is a good example. Committee member Ogawa is in charge of this, and other committee members were suitably impressed when he gave us a demonstration with his PC the other day. We also saw the completed “welcome package” that will be distributed to competitors and officials, as well as samples of the commemorative goods which will be on sale during the tournament. They are perfect for the occasion.
All of the competitors for the WKC were made public the other day. Are you ready to support your teams and players?
このコラムのタイトルは、当初は「さあ! 16WKCへ向けて」でしたが、数回前のコラムで「さあ!」を「いざ!」にこっそり変更しています。そして今回「それ!」に進化させました。本番まで3カ月足らずとなってきたので、自分自身を鼓舞する気持ちをタイトルに込めてみたのです。
16WKC Steering Committee16WKC実行委員
Abe Akihito阿部 晶人