Committee Log / 実行委員会報告
Getting Ready for 16WKC! Steering Committee Report No.3さあ! 16WKCへ向けて実行委員会報告 3

Greetings. This is the third report to keep reader sup to date with preparations for the 16WKC.
The “path” we take prepare for the tournament embodies the ideals in the Way of kendo.
The WKC scheduled for next year will be held at Tokyo’s Nippon Budokan for the first time in 45 years. This was also the venue for the very first WKC. Thus and so, as members of the steering committee, we feel that it was important to go back to basics. Before coming up with concrete plans for the tournament, we thought long and hard about the fundamentals of kendo and how they apply to what we are trying to achieve. After reflecting on the essence of kendo, it became apparent that the preparation period for the WKC is a “path”, and the remaining 400 days planning should not be covered; but mistakes and successes made along the way should be revealed for all to see, just as is the case in the Way of kendo. With this in mind, we will be reporting on various aspects of our progress from now, but a few of our proposed ideas may be discarded and never come to fruition. I just hope that you enjoy coming along for the ride with us as we get ready.
T-Shirts, Stickers and Badges
T-shirts, stickers and badges emblazoned with the 16WKC logo are almost ready. The T-shirts will be put out in good time for the hot Japanese summer. The logo is printed on white cotton, and the design is simple but catchy. Three sizes of stickers (big, medium, small) are printed on one postcard size piece of backing paper, just right for attaching to phones and laptops. The badges were made for attaching to suit lapels. They went on sale at the Kyoto Taikai in May, and we plan to sell them through the federation website from now. Wear them as you go to work and help us promote the tournament.
The poster is also nearing completion. When they have all been printed, we will be distributing them far and wide and hope they are put up in prominent places everywhere.
We are looking forward to walking the “path” with everybody as we prepare for the event next year.
16WKC Steering Committee16WKC実行委員
Abe Akihito阿部 晶人