Committee Log / 実行委員会報告
Getting Ready for 16WKC! Steering Committee Report No.6さあ! 16WKCへ向けて実行委員会報告 6
As many of you must have guessed, I, Abe, am yet again presenting you with the 16th World Kendo Championship preparation report. This time I have good news. The promotional posters for the WKC have been finished. There are two versions; Nippon Budokan version and the kenshi version (part one of two).

The Nippon Budokan version has a magnificent front shot of the first as well as the next venue for the WKC, and has the symbolic logo of the WKC at the top. In order to deliver the theme of Championships, “shoshin” (return to basics), we kept it simple by cutting out any unnecessary elements.

The kenshi version (part one of two) is a limited-time-only poster, which will be around until the end of November. It shows the first rough draft by the internationally recognized manga artist, Mr. Inoue Takehiko, who is famous for his work “Vagabond” among others. Normally, rough drafts do not get made public, but for us to enjoy and appreciate this championship from the creation process, we decided to include this design. Mr. Inoue says the first thing that came to his mind when he heard the term “shoshin” was a set of piercing eyes behind the “mengane”. The poster shows a kenshi with a strong stare, in the sonkyo position ready to start face his opponent. Mr. Inoue brilliantly described the kenshi’s silent passion before the start of his match. In November, we will have the finished poster by Mr. Inoue. I am very much looking forward to how the current poster will evolve into the next one. These posters can be found at the Kudanshita station until early August, and will be sent off to prefectural kendo federation offices thereafter.
The WKC Countdown Photo Contest, which started at the end of May has been quite popular, and excellent photos showing excitement for kendo have been sent in every day from both inside and outside Japan. Starting September 1, tickets for the 16 WKC went on sale. We have been running out of promotional items such as T-shirts. What should be make next for promotional items? I would love to hear your opinion.
We have 300 days to go until the championship. I appreciate your continued support.
5月末から実施中の「世界大会カウントダウンフォト」も評判が良く、毎日国内外から剣道への愛溢れる写真が届いております。9月1日からはチケットも世界同時発売予定。Tシャツなどの世界大会グッズも在庫が少なくなってきました。次に作るならどんなグッズが良いでしょうか? 皆様の意見も聞きたいところです。
16WKC Steering Committee16WKC実行委員
Abe Akihito阿部 晶人